Daniel Sell

Do Not Invest In The Future

Whatever you do, do not invest in the future. As a publisher, you must go and find someone who is too sensible to engage in Kickstarters or handling books but has thousands of social media followers and 90% of a finished project. Slap some art and an editor on that baby and ship her off to mega bux town.

Do not engage new talent. Do not encourage new voices. Maybe once every few years toss a bone to some group or make a compilation that can be easily forgotten. Maybe. Don’t take risks! For Christ’s sake. You’ll only look like a mug when everyone else takes the road paved with zeros and leaves you with nothing but your dignity. That and £6.50 will buy you a small coffee, loser.

Just collect your money, tell yourself you’re working up to something, so you can actually make something cool and worthwhile one day, get rich, die.